Mehdi Pariz

Tajrish, Tehran, Iran ยท +989356548452

With years of experience in the field of software and web programming, my main expertise is in the field of web, server and back-end programming, and my specialized programming language is PHP. I am also interested in other areas of programming, including front-end user programming, and I have experience, and I am increasing my technical knowledge. Also, I have many years of experience working with Linux servers, and I am in the process of completing training courses and improving my expertise.



Intelitec Solutions

I have many years of experience in web programming and my main expertise is server-side programming with the PHP programming language.

March 2014 - Present

DevOps Engineer

Upgrade expertise!

I have many years of experience working with Linux servers and I am upgrading and updating my expertise and I am taking specialized courses such as DevOps.

March 2014 - Present


Islamic Azad University

Bachelor of Software Engineering
Computer Software Engineering GPA: 16

August 2019 - Present


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Apart from being a web developer, I research in other fields of programming and always try to learn. I spend most of my time surfing the web and programming, and I am very interested in my job and expertise, in addition to programming expertise. I travel a lot

Awards & Certifications

  • Network+ course at Kando Institute
  • Linux course at Kando Institute
  • Academy of programmers PHP Certified Developer
  • Comprehensive web design course according to the headings of three international CIW exams at Arjang Institute